@article{oai:oiu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000786, author = {久保田, 健一郎 and Kenichiro, Kubota and 吉田, 直哉 and Naoya, Yoshida}, issue = {2}, journal = {国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要, OIU journal of international studies}, month = {Jan}, note = {The purpose of this paper is to consider the recognition of language by students training to be nursery teachers, and the influence of that on their views of childcare and pedagogy. To achieve this, the researcher interviewed five students. The questions concerned recognition of“ listening with all attention”and “receptivity,” desirable speech to children, and the influence of teacher’s speech on children.  As a result of these interviews, the following was evident. Students had views of childcare and pedagogy traceable to a principle of modern pedagogy. This principle considers human nature to be important. For example, “expansion”and“ modelling” corresponded with it. However, the students could practice beyond this principle, because their views of language transformed those of childcare., 11, P, 論文, Article}, pages = {171--189}, title = {保育学生が抱く言葉をめぐる保育方略―「望ましい保育方法(ペダゴジー)」としての言葉づかいに対する認識を中心に―}, volume = {31}, year = {2018}, yomi = {クボタ, ケンイチロウ and ヨシダ, ナオヤ} }