@article{oai:oiu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000711, author = {伊藤, 知子 and イトウ, トモコ and Fujimura-Ito, Tomoko}, issue = {1}, journal = {国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要, OIU journal of international studies}, month = {Oct}, note = {P(論文), The effects of saffron and turmeric on the gelatinization of rice starch were investigated. Flours made from Japonica and Indica rice were heated in solutions of saffron and turmeric extract. In the case of Japonica, the solubility and swelling power during the gelatinization of rice starch heated at 90℃ were suppressed by the addition of saffron and turmeric. On the other hand, the solubility was suppressed only slightly by the addition of turmeric in the case of Indica.  The swelling power of Indica starch was low compared with that of Japonica. The swelling power of Japonica starches was suppressed by the addition of saffron, while that of Indica was not affected by the addition of both spices.  These results showed that the gelatinization of starches in Japonica was affected by the addition of saffron and turmeric in comparison with that of Indica.}, pages = {73--80}, title = {コメデンプンの糊化に及ぼす香辛料の影響}, volume = {29}, year = {2015} }