@article{oai:oiu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000293, author = {上岡, サト子 and ウエオカ, サトコ and Ueoka, Satoko}, issue = {2}, journal = {国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要, OIU journal of international studies}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), This is the partition of the translated version into Japanese of Gothic Feminism. The author, Diane Long Hoeveler analyzes the representative female gothic novelists of English literary world of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century , focusing on Charlotte Smith, Ann Radcliffe, Jane Austin, Charlotte Dacre Byrne, Mary Shelley and the Brontёs. Hoeveler's study revealed that what the female gothic genre tried to construct consciously or unconsciously was a discourse system for helping white bourgeois women, the newly emerged but feeble class in a changing society: "professional femininity"―a cultivated pose, a masquerade of docility, wise passivity, and tightly controlled emotion. She defines this as the professionalization of gender. In the female gothic novels, "heroines" are mostly depicted as victims of patriarchy in motherless and male dominant situations. Hoeveler says that the "victim feminism" criticized by the third generation feminist, Naomi Wolf, can be traced to those heroinesユ subversive struggles. However, Hoeveler discovered "gothic feminism", which presents a new interpretation of the gothic heroines like CathrineⅡ in Wuthering Heights , Jane Eyre in Jane Eyre and Lucy Snowe in Villette.}, pages = {97--109}, title = {ダイアン・ロング・ホーヴェラー著 『ゴシック・フェミニズム―ジェンダーの職業化、シャーロット・スミスからブロンテ姉妹まで』 第5章II 「文明化の過程の勝利―ブロンテ姉妹とロマンティック・フェミニズム」 (Pennsylvania:Pennsylvania State UP, 1998, pp.190-203)}, volume = {18}, year = {2005} }