@article{oai:oiu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000168, author = {板山, 昂 and 加藤, 潤三 and イタヤマ, アキラ and カトウ, ジュンゾウ and Itayama, Akira and Kato, Junzou}, issue = {3}, journal = {国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要, OIU journal of international studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Differences in the attribution of causes of juvenile delinquency were surveyedaccording to the type of criminal offence. The offences were: homicide, shoplifting,and drinking and smoking. The different generations were college students andtheir parents, with the questionnaire administered to 160 participants.  Factor analysis obtained seven factors and an analysis of variance revealed thatparent’s factor scores were higher than those of students in all the factors and theparents results showed no difference by type of crime.  Overall the subjects perceived the causes of juvenile delinquency, in order ofimportance, as: social factors, personality, family, school, and the community.}, pages = {67--78}, title = {少年犯罪の原因帰属に関する心理学的研究 : 罪種と世代による比較}, volume = {22}, year = {2009} }