@article{oai:oiu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000144, author = {佐野, 友恵 and 廣橋, 容子 and 山尾, 正之 and 朝倉, 洋 and サノ, トモエ and ヒロハシ, ヨウコ and ヤマオ, マサユキ and アサクラ, ヨウ and Sano, Tomoe and Hirohashi, Yoko and Yamao, Masayuki and Asakura, Yo}, issue = {3}, journal = {国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要, OIU journal of international studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), In the Department of Childhood Education and Welfare, students who are intending to become child-care workers receive college instruction, perform practical work at the preschool, and deliver end-of-year presentations detailing the skills they have learned in the preceding year. In the process of steadily improving their abilities over the two-year duration of the course, students are expected to have acquired communication skills and planning ability, and to have become adept at expressing themselves.  This year they were required to complete a questionnaire to evaluate the effect of their end-of-year presentations on child-care education, and also to assess for the qualities essential in child-care workers.  The results showed that they improved their communication skills, gained a strong sense of accomplishment and heightened their child-care skills. The child-care skills presentations by students thus demonstrated the effectiveness of the junior college course.}, pages = {119--130}, title = {本学幼児保育学科生の保育者としての資質向上に関する研究 : 「実技発表」の学習効果に関する調査}, volume = {23}, year = {2010} }