@article{oai:oiu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001150, author = {海老澤, 薫 and Ebisawa, Kaoru and 本田, 杏奈 and Honda, Anna and 久木, 久美子 and Hisaki, Kumiko and 坂井, 孝 and Sakai, Takashi}, issue = {3}, journal = {国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要, OIU journal of international studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {3824,3831,3832,2376, Many varieties of seaweed grow in Japan, and we have incorporated a large amount of seaweed into our diet. Many reports have been made on the bioactivity of seaweed. Seaweed is rich in water-soluble dietary fiber, and these fibers are known to be prebiotics that support the growth of good bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria. On the other hand, we have been ingesting lactic acid bacteria, one of the intestinal bacteria, as food for a long time. In this study, we investigated the effects of seaweed(kombu, wakame, nori)components on Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus)and Lactobacillus brevis KB290. It was confirmed that the addition of kombu, wakame, and nori all affected the growth of lactic acid bacteria. Furthermore, it was also shown that there is a difference in response to seaweed components between lactic acid bacteria and plant origin lactic acid bacteria.}, pages = {125--132}, title = {海藻成分が及ぼす乳酸菌生育への影響 −動物性乳酸菌と植物性乳酸菌についての比較研究−}, volume = {35}, year = {2022}, yomi = {エビサワ, カオル and ホンダ, アンナ and ヒサキ, クミコ and サカイ, タカシ} }